Internal Policy &
Procedure For Research Analysis
These policies apply to the Technical Analysis Research done and published by Mandar Balkrishna
Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd in its software and website.
This policy is made available on the public website of Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar /
Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd at
Investment Research
Investment Research is material that generally contains either :
Analysis of factors likely to influence the future performance of an investment or stock
This policy is meant to clarify the stance, ideas, ideology, efforts, integrity behind the
research work done. The Technical Analysis investment research that is impartial, independent,
clear, fair and not misleading. This research will be produced and published by Mandar
Balkrishna Jamsandekar, employees of the Research Department for the software and
Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar, Investment Research Analysts are required to observe high
standards of integrity and ethical behavior. All Technical Analysis investment research reports
must be based on strict standards of truthfulness and fair dealing and must be presented in a
manner such that they are fair, clear and not misleading. Every stock covered should have a stop
loss and a tentative time period mentioned for investment. Stop Loss is an important part of
Risk Management. As a part of integrity no stock research will be without a Stop Loss.
Identification of conflicts
Firms are responsible for identifying and managing any conflicts of interest arising in the
business that might compromise the impartiality of the firm’s research analysts and their
research. Such conflicts could include conflicts between recipients of research reports and
Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd investment clients and the
personal interests of Precision technical’s employee.
Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd policies in this regard
include :
The Provision of internal guidance and training on the identification of possible issued of
conflict as and when they arise;
Compliance monitors potential conflicts arising out of the publication of research;
Internal guidance and arrangements for regulation the flow of information between and within
business areas.
Analysts Activities
Analysts are required to ensure that they have a reasonable basis for their analysis and
recommendation. Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd has polices
giving guidance to analysts regarding the proper presentation of facts and opinions in research
reports. Analysts are restricted from roles that could prejudice, or appear to prejudice the
independence of their research or conflict with their duties to the recipients of their
research, but are otherwise free to use their expertise for the benefit of Mandar Balkrishna
Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd client, subject to them maintain
Inducement and Inappropriate influences
Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd policies to prevent any
appropriate influence over Analyst or the preparation of research reports include;
Analysts and other employees of Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt
Ltd are not permitted to accept any remuneration or other benefit from the company or any other
party in respect of the publication of research;
Analysts and other employees of Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt
Ltd are not permitted to offer or accept any inducement for the production of favorable
Analysts and other Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd
Employees are not permitted to directly or indirectly offer favorable research, specific ratings
or specific price target as consideration or inducement for the receipt of business or
Analyst and other Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd employee
are not permitted to directly or indirectly offer or threaten to change research, a rating or
price target as consideration or inducement for the receipt of business or compensation.
Analysts may not discuss unpublished of draft research reports with anyone outside of the
Research department including sales and trading employee.
Method and Timing of Publication
The timing and content of unpublished research reports may not be disclosed by any means to
anyone, either inside or outside of Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis
Pvt Ltd , until the information is broadly disseminated. Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar /
Precision Technical Analysis Pvt Ltd policies require research reports to be published or
distributed only though its usual channels and to ensure that they are made available
simultaneously to clients and Mandar Balkrishna Jamsandekar / Precision Technical Analysis Pvt
Ltd Employees within the sales and trading areas.
Disclosure of interests and Personal Account Dealing
The Firm discloses in its research reports, in accordance with applicable law and regulation,
conflicts of interest including those of the Firm and the analyst, that are or may be material
in the context of the relevant report.
Mandar Jamsandekar - (Research Analyst - Reg No INH000000495)